Approach One:source code IS compiled "on-the-fly" on the server
Pros: easy to test from front-end app
Cons: source code can be inspected from the server, sensitive code might be seen. might be slower than compiled(dll)
*** Create webservices on server. 1 step ***
Create nerd.asmx file on server on c:\inetpub\wwwroot ...
<% @ WebService Language="C#" class="Mate" %>
using System;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;[WebService(Namespace="http://yourserveraddresshere/")]
public class Mate : WebService
public string TheServerTime()
return " of the jedi " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
...create nerd.asmx file
to test if your services is working, from your development machine open in your favorite browser this site: http://yourserveraddresshere/nerd.asmx
*** To consume webservices in your development machine. 3 steps...
step 1 of 3.
create a code that parses your webservices to get the result, this can be automated using the code generator, use wsdl of .NET SDK...
wsdl.exe http://yourserveraddresshere/nerd.asmx
Note: this will generate Mate.cs file on your development machine
...create a code that parses
step 2 of 3.
create usenerd.cs file on your development machine ...
public class A
public static void Main()
Mate m = new Mate();
... create usenerd.cs file
step 3 of 3.
compile and run the application...
csc.exe usenerd.cs Mate.cs
*** To consume webservices in your development machine. using VB.NET. 3 steps...
step 1 of 3.
create a code that parses your webservices to get the result, this can be automated using the code generator, use wsdl of .NET SDK...
wsdl.exe /l:vb http://yourserveraddresshere/nerd.asmx
Note: this will generate Mate.vb file on your development machine
...create a code that parses
step 2 of 3.
create usenerd.vb file on your development machine ...
Public Class A
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim m As Mate = new Mate()
End Sub
End Class
... create usenerd.cs file
step 3 of 3.
compile and run the application...
vbc.exe usenerd.vb Mate.vb
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