Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Slashdot | Ubuntu 6.06 'Dapper Drake' Beta Available: "Ubuntu is not _just_ for n00bs.

Does a 'n00b' system admin run Debian?
not usually.

Debian is preferred because
(a) 'apt-get' makes life so blindingly simple that you don't need to worry about 90% of the hassels that come with other distros (rpm-hell anyone?)
(b) It's stable
(c) 'It Just Works!' (tm)

Ubuntu is: ALL the best of Debain + Quicker updates.
How long did it take for Debain to support SATA in the stable release? Too damn long!

Ubuntu is not totally user friendly, ie it wasn't untill Dapper that there was a GUI for setting up a pppoe internet connection. (try telling Mom to: open a terminal, type pppoe-conf, and follow the prompts.)
Sounds great on paper.

My mom, Uncle x2, wife, Mother & Father in-laws, and CLIENTS all run Ubuntu because it is easier for me to manage/admin.
I'm not a n00b. I got desperately tired of waiting for Debian Stable. Now I have all the good of Debian + modern packages.

The thing that makes Ubuntu the distro to have is that it has a growing "n00b base". This benefits experienced Linux users, because if they are running the same distro as the people they will end up supporting, then the Linux community as a whole becomes stronger and easier for people to get into. Wouldn't it be nice to run the same system as everyone else you know, and still be using Linux?

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