How To Change The Screen Resolution in C#
By Joshy George
This is a sample program that will demonstrate how to change resolution at runtime.
All programmers are facing common problem is how to change screen Resolution dynamically. In .Net 2005 it's very easy to change the screen resolution. Here I will explain you how can we get the Screen resolution and how we will change the resolution at dynamically and while unloading the page it will come as it was before. In dot net we can access the values of user's screen resolution through the Resolution class. It also affects all running (and minimized) programs.
Important Functions
No Functions
Screen Srn = Screen.PrimaryScreen;
tempHeight = Srn.Bounds.Width;
tempWidth = Srn.Bounds.Height;
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Error", "");
//if you want Automatically Change page load. please uncomment this code.
if (tempHeight == 600)//if the system is 800*600 Res.then change to
FixHeight = 768;
FixWidth = 1024;
Resolution.CResolution ChangeRes = new Resolution.CResolution(FixHeight, FixWidth);
Change Resoultion switch (cboRes.SelectedValue.ToString())
case "800*600":
FixHeight = 800;
FixWidth = 600;
Resolution.CResolution ChangeRes600 = new Resolution.CResolution(FixHeight, FixWidth);
case "1024*768":
FixHeight = 1024;
FixWidth = 768;
Resolution.CResolution ChangeRes768 = new Resolution.CResolution(FixHeight, FixWidth);
case "1280*1024":
FixHeight = 1280;
FixWidth = 1024;
Resolution.CResolution ChangeRes1024 = new Resolution.CResolution(FixHeight, FixWidth);
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Thanks for providing help on .NET web services
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