Monday, August 18, 2008

SCRIPTSTER. East Java Baker: GridView Delete, with Confirmation

SCRIPTSTER. East Java Baker: GridView Delete, with Confirmation: "protected void GridView1_RowDataBound object sender,

GridViewRowEventArgs e


if e.Row.RowType DataControlRowType.DataRow


LinkButton l LinkButton e.Row.FindControl LinkButton1 ;

l.Attributes.Add onclick , javascript return +

CONFIRM Are you sure you want to delete this record +

DataBinder.Eval e.Row.DataItem, CategoryID + ;



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi,People took the words Web Logs and shortened it to Blogs—online diaries, journals, or editorials, if you will. My, how Blogs have taken over the Internet. A person used to be outdated if he/she did not have a website for Web Design Cochin, now having a blog is de rigeur. A blog owner will log-on daily, weekly, or whenever, and write about whatever is going on in their lives or business.Thanks.....