Wednesday, July 19, 2006

install httrack from source

Spiderzilla for GNU/Linux (or other *nix systems) Linux

This version is working only when you have xfree and HTTrack packages installed.
Why Xfree? Because Spiderzilla is using xterm.
After that you can install HTTrack from sources from this address httrack-3.33.tar.gz.

To install HTTrack here are the command lines:
$ tar xvfz httrack-*.tar.gz
$ cd httrack-*
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local && make
# make install
(root permissions required to install HTTrack)
$ /usr/local/bin/httrack

For more information look to

Install SpiderZilla for Linux
Download SpiderZilla for Linux (88 KB)

A script "" has to be executable!
$ chmod +x
(in ~/.mozilla/firefox/profiles/xxxxxxxx.default/extensions/{3cd27e92-1a30-11da-94c6-00e08161165f}/httrack/

Spiderzilla for MacOSX MacOSX

This version is working only when you have X11 and HTTrack packages installed.

You must install X11 for Apple in order to have xterm,
After that you can install HTTrack from sources from this address httrack-3.33.tar.gz.

To install HTTrack here are the command lines:
$ tar xvfz httrack-*.tar.gz
$ cd httrack-*
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local && make
# make install
(root permissions required to install HTTrack)
$ /usr/local/bin/httrack

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